Portrait Fundamentals, Creativity and the Anatomy of a Shoot by Frank Gelormini
Sat, Jan 19
|Jersey Shore White Box
Learn Portrait Fundamentals as well as a unique style from Frank Gelormini

Time & Location
Jan 19, 2019, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Jersey Shore White Box, 66 South Main Street, Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
About the event
The White Box Studios is proud to announce we will be hosting Frank Gelormini in his workshop "Portrait Fundamentals, Creativity and the Anatomy of a Shoot"
Limit: 5 Students (3 Student Minimum)
Cost $200* ($100 Deposit at Enrollment+$100 Day Before)
Frank Will be having his first ever White Box Studio’s workshop to be held in the “Southern Box”, a classically decorated studio with southern facing window light. The goal of this workshop is to build your confidence in portrait lighting, planning and posing for style and execution.
This workshop will focus on three topics and will include an innovative, two hour shooting component, including a model, Erica, to help out as well!
Hour 1 (10:00-11:00)
Lighting/Posing Fundamentals: Breaking down the fundamentals of portrait lighting from a guideline standpoint. While textbook examples of this exist, we’ll also go over things to avoid and how to break the rules without breaking the image. We’ll also hear from Erica about some posing concepts and how she finds comfort and success in front of the lens.
Creativity: We’ll validate the artistic process with a few key practices that distinguish you from the pack and allow you to cultivate a brand mentality for your images.
Hours 2 & 3 (11:00-1:00pm)
Anatomy of a shoot: Concept is great on paper but we will put your creativity to the test!
We’ll learn about how a shoot proceeds, and how to prepare mood boards, wardrobe and execute in your environment.
There will be 5 time slots, in three (possibly four) sets, rotating between shooting each other and shooting with Erica. You will have 10 minutes between each set to conceptualize a shoot, then 20 minutes of shooting. Erica will have plenty of wardrobe for you to use to stylize your 20 minute shoot, with her, based on your creative vision, for your 1x1 time. Through the other 4 rotations, you’ll also be shooting each other, using the skills you’ve learned, to improvise a shoot for a lesser seasoned subject, who may not be as comfortable in front of the camera.
So it should be laid out for example, subjects in parenthesis, as follows…
SLOT ONE: 1+(E), 2+(3), 4+(5)
SLOT TWO: (1)+3, 2+(E), (4)+5;
SLOT THREE 4+(2); 3+(E), 1+(5);
SLOT FOUR: 4+(E), (1)+2, (3)+5
SLOT FIVE: 5+(E), 1+(2), 3+(4)
….Everyone should have at least three 20 minute chances to shoot, simultaneously.
I will be walking around to answer questions, provide any insight and hold a reflector if needed.
Hour 4 (1:00 pm - 2:00)
We’ll review some shots and have an honest commentary on what others saw, shot and best practices about the shoot.
Student are expected to have a fundamental understanding of exposure settings and usage of their own SLR camera. Dress stylishly….you’ll be on camera!
WHAT THIS SHOOT IS ABOUT: Learning fundamentals, being creative, challenging yourself, learning professional expectations and having fun creating images.
WHAT THIS SHOOT IS NOT ABOUT: Gear, overly technical specifications, who is “more right”, or image perfection. It is also not a shoot out nor will it provide a commercial release.
I hope you'll join us for a great afternoon of learning.
You can send payment for the event via paypal to reserve your spot. If you did not pay your spot will not be reserved.
Half Payment
(when checking out please choose friend and family NOT goods or services)
*payments are non-refundable.
For any other questions or concerns please email Frank directly: